7 things you can do with your ATM card

Most customers feel comfortable
using their debit cards to withdraw
money from the Automated Teller
Some have gone the extra steps of
using it to pay for goods and services
at the Point of Sale machine.
However, the plastic can do a lot for
customers and totally transform
their transaction life if they are
careful and versatile with its usage
A report by  google.com
more tips on how the debit card can
serve the owner.
View account balances
With your card, you can visit the
ATM, insert the card, and punch in
your Personal Identification
Number. Select view account balance
to know your balance.
Get mini statements
Mini statements are the shortened
version of what your bank sends to
you after every three months. That is
your bank account statement.
The bank can also provide you with
a printed passbook detailing all the
transactions you have done in a
particular month. But if you hate
going to your bank because of the
long queues and pesky customers
surrounding the bank’s teller
inquiring about their accounts, your
ATM card can be used to give you a
mini statement on the go. This
statement gives details about the last
five to six transactions on your bank
Transfer money between accounts
You have two different accounts with
the same bank or different banks,
you can transfer the funds to the
account of your choice. For instance,
if your salary is paid into a
particular bank but you prefer to
keep your money in another bank,
you can always transfer the funds to
your preferred account using your
ATM. Go to your bank’s ATM, follow
the procedure and transfer funds
from the first account to the second
account. You can use it to pay into
another person’s account.
Refill your prepaid SIM card
Modern-day technology has helped
interconnect telecommunications
with your bank account. Now you
can even refill or recharge your
prepaid SIM card at your bank’s
Again you will need to punch in your
PIN and then follow the commands
that appear on the screen till the
time you are done refilling your
However, do take care to remember
the amount for which you need the
refill. Your service provider should
support the amount you key in.
Pay your utility bills
This is one facility that helps you cut
through long, serpentine queues.
Your ATM card will help you make
payments on all these consumer
Just find the nearest ATM kiosk, be
ready with your PIN and you won’t
have to spend hours standing in the
scorching sun to make your utility
bill payments.
Deposit cash or cheques
This is what some conservative bank
customers won’t like. For years, they
have been visiting their bank branch
to meet the genial teller at the
counter, deposit their cash or
cheque, make some small talk and
then go back to do their mundane
The ATMs seem to have dispensed
with this old-world charm thing as
well. In fact, many a time you will
find your bank encouraging you to
avail yourself of these services using
your ATM card.
However, those still romancing the
old ways of banking and those who
think that banking is all about people
and relationships can visit their
bank’s branch, meet the bankers
they know and avail of most of the
services mentioned above.
ATM cards as debit cards
This is one facility that spendthrift
consumers should take advantage of.
If you have enough cash in your
bank account, then you can always
flash your ATM card to buy and pay
through the Point of Sale machine.
The transaction process works the
same way with your credit card. The
only difference being the use of debit
card at a merchant’s outlet will make
you poorer by the transaction
amount immediately.
But then, this is always better than
using a credit card considering the
amount of complaints you may have
against your credit card company.
Apart from these, you can book your
air tickets using your ATM.

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