Buhari to militant negotiation is your best option..

President Muhammadu Buhari says Niger Delta
militants must either dialogue with the federal
government or risk being dealt with like Boko
Haram insurgents.
B Kenya, late Saturday at a bilateral meeting
with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on
the sidelines of the sixth Tokyo International
Conference on African Development (TICAD).
President Buhari also told the Japanese leader
that his administration was negotiating with
some of the leaders of the militants.
The president said with the defeat of Boko
Haram insurgents by the military, his
administration’s attention was now focused on
stopping the destruction of the nation’s
economic assets by the Niger Delta militants.
He said: “The militants must dialogue with the
federal government or be dealt with in the same
way like Boko Haram. We are talking to some
of their leaders. We will deal with them as we
dealt with Boko Haram if they refuse to talk to
“As a government, we know our responsibility,
which is to secure the environment. It is clear
to us that lenders won’t fund projects in
insecure environments. We realise that we have
to secure the country before we can efficiently
manage it.”
The president assured existing and prospective
foreign investors that their investments in
Nigeria would be fully secured and protected.
He outlined several steps taken by his
administration to secure Nigeria and create an
enabling business environment in the country.
He noted that security in the Gulf of Guinea,
greatly affected by piracy, was a priority of his
‘‘We have provided funds to our Navy to buy
new platforms, train and effectively organize
the personnel to protect the area. We are
looking forward to support from developed
nations for satellite surveillance covering the
Gulf,” he said.
The president recalled his last year’s audience
with G7 leaders in Germany which was attended
by the Japanese leader.
He thanked Japan for responding positively to
the requests by Nigeria for the rehabilitation of
victims of Boko Haram as well as rebuilding of
infrastructure in the North-east.
He, however, noted that more had to be done
on education, health and other sectors in order
to ensure quick and voluntary return of
displaced persons.
On the United Nations Security Council reform,
Buhari agreed to work with Japan for the
reforms, emphasising that the case for a
permanent seat for Africa on the council was a
moral one.
He expressed Nigeria’s support for Japan in its
bid for a UN resolution on the problems in East
China and South China as well as the
“uncontrolled nuclear tests by North Korea.”
In his remarks, the Japanese leader
congratulated Buhari “for courageously tackling
Boko Haram terrorism.”
Abe maintained that Nigeria and Japan must
work together to improve the investment
climate in view of the many Japanese
companies wishing to invest in Nigeria.
He reiterated his country’s commitment to rapid
development in Nigeria through quality delivery
of ongoing projects in the country, including
Jebba hydro power scheme and the Lagos
railway project.

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