How to add admin and author to your blog.

Adding admin and adding author these two
categories can add post to your blog, but what
make the admin different from the author is the
fact that the admin can delete your blog and he
have access just like the the owner of the blog.

But the author is only there to create and edit
the created post. so when adding admin to your
blogspot blog it will be advisable to add
trustworthy individuals because the wrong
adding of admin can cause the fall of your blog
as a whole.

You can add any body as your blog author since
they can only create posts but can not delete
or harm your blog.

Solution when you still can't find a trustworthy
Many individuals especially blogspot beginners
who wanted to get someone manage their site
go by giving out their login details which is
absolutely a wrong idea.

you can just make the
person admin and after he is true with the job
you can remove them as the admin. today am
going to show you how you can add authors
and admin to your blogger blog with ease .

Here goes the steps

1.Login your admin Dashboard

2. click on

3.Scroll down to the bottom end you will see the
administrator section and select add author

4.From the next page kindly put the authors
email address and click on invite authors

Now the person will receive a notification of
your invitation and when he accept your
invitation he automatically become your blog

But to make him admin you will have to go back
to the administration section you will see the
user whom have accepted your request with the
rank author in from of him.

just click on the author button and a drop menu
will show up from the drop menu click on admin
and the author will become admin over your

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