7 powerful ways on How to make your blog look better and attract visitors..

You are here because you needed your blog to look great to your readers and to SEO optimized, why not you sit back and read this tutorial, it really gonna be off help.

Have you heard of this proverb, he who's the food owns the man, your blog must look very cool, before it can generate anything for you.

Here are the great steps.

Post content that are well drifted to a certain group: why I put this as the first one is because your audience are your reader’s you need to post what they need not what you need so always try and make them happy, remember you can buy page views but you can't buy comments that's it and it remains a fact.

Always advertise your blog on other sites; advertising on other blog or platform will bring influential readers to you that mind subscribe to your updates, it remains a fact and can never be changed,.

Buy a domain: why I inserted this here is that your domain really matters because without a good domain your website would sink on search engines, you know fighting for the front page in search engine is really a very competitive one.

Optimize your SEO ; this step is very hard to accomplish, it involves editing of your blog post, to using clear and simple possible method to explain your content.

Try to post what people will like viewing; this step is the most easy of all, all you need to do is just to go to popular websites, like yahoo answers, and see questions that people asked which have not been attended to, isn't this easy.

Finally always try to post everyday. To maintain your normal people;this one is were many young bloggers and website designers and owners fail they don't think of this at all they need quick results, listen to this do you think it easy to maintain, 500 page view every day, statistics have shown that 70% off new website don't think gets up to 100 page a day, have you bothered to ask your self why, when other websites like
Shout me loud is having more than 1000000 page view a month, the secret behind all this is by updating your blog or website daily.

7. Guest blogging or posting : you can guest blog on popular website or blog who are doing very well, thus this process is the only process that gives a good result over night.

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