Afliate marketing for beginers

Why You Should Get In Affiliate Marketing
1. Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and
fastest ways to make a passive income each and
every month. Whether you want to make a few
hundred extra bucks part-time or build a million
dollar online empire full-time this business model
will allow you the opportunity to do it.
2. You can work from the comfort and convenience
of your own home or anywhere you have internet
3. As an affiliate marketer you’re earning a
commission for selling someone else’s product or
service. You don’t have to do any product
fulfillment, customer service, billing, or product
4. The playing field on the internet is still level
meaning that a beginner can directly compete
with, and often out-perform, large companies.
You may not believe this now; but it’s true.
5. The barrier to entry in the affiliate marketing
game is low since it takes a surprisingly small
amount of money to get started.
6. Affiliate marketing has a very bright outlook. The
internet marketing industry is forecasted to grow
to $7 billion dollars per year in the next five
The bottom line is that affiliate marketing is the
most enjoyable way to make money that I’ve
ever come across. In this free mini-course I will
show you step-by-step how to get your own
internet business up and running in just one short
week. The lessons are broken up over seven
days to make getting started easy by simply
following each day’s lessons one day at a time.
In the course of a week you’ll learn what market
to enter, how to choose a domain name, how to
build your own website, how to generate traffic
to your site, and how to start making money
7 Day Affiliate Marketing
Your daily roadmap to getting started with
affiliate marketing. I’ll show you step-by-step
how to get on track to making your first dollar
7 Day Affiliate Roadmap:
Day 1 – Planning Your Online World Domination
& Setting Up Systems To Get You There
Day 2 – Researching & Choosing Your First
Day 3 – Choosing Your Domain Name And
Starting Your First Website
Day 4 – Setting Up Your New Website To Get It
Day 5 – Creating Content For Your Site
Day 6 – Why You Should Get In Affiliate Marketing
1. Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and
fastest ways to make a passive income each and
every month. Whether you want to make a few
hundred extra bucks part-time or build a million
dollar online empire full-time this business model
will allow you the opportunity to do it.
2. You can work from the comfort and convenience
of your own home or anywhere you have internet
3. As an affiliate marketer you’re earning a
commission for selling someone else’s product or
service. You don’t have to do any product
fulfillment, customer service, billing, or product
4. The playing field on the internet is still level
meaning that a beginner can directly compete
with, and often out-perform, large companies.
You may not believe this now; but it’s true.
5. The barrier to entry in the affiliate marketing
game is low since it takes a surprisingly small
amount of money to get started.
6. Affiliate marketing has a very bright outlook. The
internet marketing industry is forecasted to grow
to $7 billion dollars per year in the next five
The bottom line is that affiliate marketing is the
most enjoyable way to make money that I’ve
ever come across. In this free mini-course I will
show you step-by-step how to get your own
internet business up and running in just one short
week. The lessons are broken up over seven
days to make getting started easy by simply
following each day’s lessons one day at a time.
In the course of a week you’ll learn what market
to enter, how to choose a domain name, how to
build your own website, how to generate traffic
to your site, and how to start making money
7 Day Affiliate Marketing
Your daily roadmap to getting started with
affiliate marketing. I’ll show you step-by-step
how to get on track to making your first dollar
7 Day Affiliate Roadmap:
Day 1 – Planning Your Online World Domination
& Setting Up Systems To Get You There
Day 2 – Researching & Choosing Your First
Day 3 – Choosing Your Domain Name And
Starting Your First Website
Day 4 – Setting Up Your New Website To Get It
Day 5 – Creating Content For Your Site
Day 6 – How To Start Building Your Own
Money-Making List
Day 7 – Getting Initial Traffic To Your Site
7 Day Objectives:
At the end of this week you’ll have:
Your plan in place
Your first website on your own domain live on
the internet
Your website configured and set up
Your initial content created on your site
Your essential web pages completed (Terms of
Service, Privacy, About Us, etc.)
Your list building account setup and ready to use
Your social media profiles created and live
Your strategy for initial traffic generation
The 7 Day Rules:
Complete only one day of work per day and don’t
skip ahead. The whole point of this exercise is
to break down a week’s worth of work into easily
manageable bite-size pieces. This will simplify
the process and make it easy for you to follow
through without feeling overwhelmed.
Instead of skipping ahead do each day’s work as
well as you possibly can. Oh, and if you miss a
day you can always catch up by going back and
doing yesterday’s tasks first. But hopefully you’ll
do the work over seven days the way it is
Let’s get started…
Affiliate Marketing Day 1
Money-Making List
Day 7 – Getting Initial Traffic To Your Site
7 Day Objectives:
At the end of this week you’ll have:
Your plan in place
Your first website on your own domain live on
the internet
Your website configured and set up
Your initial content created on your site
Your essential web pages completed (Terms of
Service, Privacy, About Us, etc.)
Your list building account setup and ready to use
Your social media profiles created and live
Your strategy for initial traffic generation
The 7 Day Rules:
Complete only one day of work per day and don’t
skip ahead. The whole point of this exercise is
to break down a week’s worth of work into easily
manageable bite-size pieces. This will simplify
the process and make it easy for you to follow
through without feeling overwhelmed.
Instead of skipping ahead do each day’s work as
well as you possibly can. Oh, and if you miss a
day you can always catch up by going back and
doing yesterday’s tasks first. But hopefully you’ll
do the work over seven days the way it is
Let’s get started…
Affiliate Marketing Day 1

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