How to develop a blog..

How To Create A Free Blog On
The BlogSpot Blogging
By: Harsh Agrawal In: Blogspot Last
Updated: 11/07/2016 (59 Comments)
How to Create Free Blog On Blogspot
Having a blog is a great thing because
you can share anything you wan t (…and
if you are wise you can also earn a
decent income from your blog).
(Read: My AdSense Earnings
for Five Years)
Here at ShoutMeLoud, I have
written about many blogging platforms
that you can use to create a
blog for yourself. I usually
suggest creating a blog using your own
domain and hosting, and creating your
blog via WordPress(.org).
We have talked a lot about self-hosted
WordPress blogs in previous posts, and
there is no doubt that this presents a
better blogging platform when compared
to free blogging platforms like and
However, many newbies who want to
start blogging don’t want to make
an initial investment of funds to create a
blog. This is completely reasonable .
There are many blogging platforms
which offer users the ability to create
free blogs. If you are looking for a
simple free blog, my suggestion would
be to start blogging
with or
Once you have some blogging
experience, you can advance and
become more professional with a self-
hosted WordPress blog.
BlogSpot allows you to create a free
blog, but it does have limitations.
However, as I mentioned above, for a
beginner it is a great way to learn how
to create a blog and begin the blogging
Create a Free Blog
This post is dedicated to the
“beginners” who are new to blogging
and would like to get started by learning
the basics involved in the process.
Before I begin the complete tutorial,
there are a couple of things you should
Firstly, BlogSpot is a blogging
platform powered by Google.
It offers you an opportunity to
start a blog, but all your
images will be hosted by Picasa
(also part of Google). BlogSpot, in
this sense, is a Google-centric
blogging platform .
Secondly, if the goal of
your blog is to make money
and to have a blog that is
professional in appearance, I
would recommend that you create
your blog using WordPress. It’s
easy, and with the help of our
exclusive free WordPress guide ,
you can create your blog in the
next 60 minutes.
Step-by-step Guide to Creating a Free
Blog on BlogSpot:
To create your free BlogSpot blog site,
head over to and login
using your Google account. If you don’t
have a Google (gmail) account, you can
create one for free.
For a first time user, you will see an
option to use the identity from your
Google Plus profile, or you can use your
limited BlogSpot profile. I recommend
using your Google Plus profile.
Once you are logged in, click on “new
blog” or click on this link to directly go
there: Create a free blog
Name your blog:
The first thing you need to do is add a
name and select your domain. I suggest
you read “ How To Select a Domain
Name ” for additional information.
Avoid using your personal name as the
domain name, and instead use some
generic domain name that you can
brand later with a custom domain.
You can then select a blog template
(you can change it anytime), and click
on “Create Blog”.
Name of your blog
Now your blog is created, but you are
not done yet!
There are a few settings that you need
to set on your newly created BlogSpot
blog to make it easy to use.
You are now on the BlogSpot dashboard
where you will see your blog’s backend.
From here you can go to “Settings” and
make changes to improve your blog’s
Here is a screenshot of what you should
be seeing:
BlogSpot dashboard
From here you can click on “Posts” >
“New post” and start writing your very
first blog post!
But before you write your first post , I
would recommend that you go to
“Pages” and create at least one “About”
page describing who you are and what
your blog is about.
You can read my post on why
you need an “About” page for
your blog .
Most importantly, you should change
your blog’s template as the default one
is generic and boring (in my opinion).
Here I have compiled a list of free
BlogSpot templates that you can
download and install on your blog.
Alternatively, you can go to “Settings” >
“Template” and change the template
from there.
On this page, you can also add a logo to
the header of your BlogSpot blog,
and add or remove various other
Make blogspot blog
Once you have a few blog posts up and
running, you can go to “Settings” >
“Earnings” and enable AdSense for your
blog. This will allow you to earn money
from your free BlogSpot blog.
Read my earlier guide on how
to sign up for an AdSense
account .
BlogSpot AdSense
So your blog is almost ready and you
can start writing posts. There are just a
few more things I suggest you do.

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