3 ways to encourage your readers to share your blog or website post.

Social media sharing is a major factor to
consider for your blog progress in such a
way that it increases your SEO performance
and traffic,not every blog readers love to
share blog articles to their followers but
these tips or ways will help.
Here are the 3 tips or ways to encourage
your readers to share your blog contents
i.e. Articles or blog posts on social media

1.Engage readers : Readers really love it
when you carry them along with anything
you are executing on your blog like asking
for their opinion before changing your theme
or templates will really make them feel so
important to you which will increase your
social media shares. Another awesome way
to engage readers is by adding heart
warming messages like :
Please don't leave without sharing
Don't be selfish share this should be used
to encourage readers to share

2.Add nice share buttons or icons : We all
love things that are pleasant and
beautiful,adding share buttons like that of
addThis plugin can easily get readers to
share which will improve your SEO .
If you are using wordpress,we have
awesome plugins that will boost your
number of shares,you can search for that on
google to get them without wasting much of
your time

3.put share buttons at the end of your website or blog.

It is very bad for
a blogger to put share buttons at the
beginning of his or her posts,it isn't helpful
at all. Blog readers can only share after
reading not before reading and many of
them don't scroll up again after reading,now
tell me how will your shares increase?
I will advise any bloggers to put their share
buttons at the end

Now that you have read this please kindly share this.....
By clicking on those colour buttons below.

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