How to money with Facebook.


know you will begin to wonder when you see this topic to the extent of asking yourself all sort of questions like; Is it possible?, Could it be real?, How I my going to make money from Facebook? Yes if you’re thinking that way it’s normal but I know that after you might have read and digested this post you will be able to understand what I mean. Meanwhile, you must know that Facebook is not a secret money pile just waiting to be found, but it can be your source of extra income.

What is Facebook?
Facebook is a social network. It is an online community which allows interesting users to sign up an account in order to create friendship. Researches shows that Facebook has over 1.5 billion active users monthly and millions of people have Facebook pages but do not really know how to generate income from it.

Take note of the following before you start.

1.Relevant Posts:
The simple strategy behind making money on social network is good contents. Therefore the quality of your posts determines how serious you really mean to earn money. In brief avoid irrelevant posts.
2.make a commitment to earn:
The only way to reliably make money on Facebook is through your persistence work. You must be ready to market as much as you can.

How To Make Money From your Facebook fan Page

1. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is like assisting a company to bring customers to buy their product which will in turn earn you a commission. How could you make money from your Facebook fan page with affiliate marketing? Here’s how; anytime a customer makes a purchase through your affiliate link (which was provided by the company) you will be rewarded with a commission. It is a very good opportunity in which you could use to earn money from your Facebook page.
There are many affiliates companies you can choose from both in Nigeria and abroad few out of them are Amazon, Clickbank, E-junkie, ShareASale, Commission Junction, Jumia and Konga.
To join the millions of people who are earning through affiliates marketing kindly visit any one of the above and register as affiliates. Remember that you don’t have to pay before you can sign up for any of these affiliate programs but try to make sure that what you are promoting is of standard quality in order not to mislead your audience.

2. Sponsored Posts
A sponsored post is also known as promoted post. It is a post which is explicitly sponsored as an advertisement by a particular company, individual or a seller of a product in order to draw a large amount of popularity through user promotion and moderation to the most viewed page on website. It is one of the easiest ways to make money from your Facebook page and it is possible when you have large amount of audience. Which means you must have a minimum of “1000 likes” on your fan page. When this is achieved People will always love to pay you in order to make their posts appear on your page, all you need to do is to give them a fair price and they would give you the post to publish on your page.

3. Write an E-book
An e-book is an electronic version of printed book that can be read on a computer or any handheld device designed specifically for this purpose. In writing your e-book, make sure you choose a subject that will generate interest. Also you can claim some kind of authority this will add prestige to your book. Also you should write about something you’re better than the average. After you might have finished writing your e-book then lock it with a password and market it through your fan page and make the password available to those who’re buying from you.

4. Facebook Offers
Do you know you can make money through the Facebook offer? As an admin of a page you could make money from your Facebook fan page by taking advantage of this feature. Facebook offer is a feature that would be useful for online marketers or seller who really want to make some money directly through their Facebook page.
With this, you could offer special discount to your followers and I think you understand how people usually love to purchase discount products. Therefore once you offer any product at a discount rate you could get many conversions which could increase your sales and this would as well boost your revenue.
So that is how you can make money right from your Facebook fan page and you must also know that there’s no limit to what you can earn but hardworking is the price.

Good luck!

I know by now you might have understood how to make money through your Facebook fan page, kindly drop your comment below and also don’t forget to share this post with your friends through our share button below the tag.

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