Secret to about the new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus.

These tips are only for those that really want
an iPhone 7 as SOON as you can get it.

you're more than happy to wait for your new
handset... well, these tips aren't for you.
You can still find the iPhone 7 in stock on
launch day, even though Apple's smartphone
is technically sold out or by facing long lines at
a lot of Apple Stores.

iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus pre-orders sold
out incredibly quickly in the US and UK,
which means consumers are looking for
secret tips to update their phone without
waiting more than ever this year.

'Scare' stories of the phones being
completely sold out across the world have
meant many think they cannot get an iPhone

at all today - but we're here to help.
Yes, finding the 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus in
stock is next to impossible right now. It's
the same situation for any Jet Black iPhone
7 or iPhone 7 Plus.

But it's not game over just yet - here are
some clever increasing your chances of
ending up with the elusive iPhone 7 Plus or
slippery Jet Black color without waiting
several weeks or months.

1. You can still wait in line

So you don't have a reservation for an new
iPhone, huh? It's not really your fault.

Apple's online pre-order process failed for a
variety of people and for a variety of
That doesn't mean you can't walk away with
an iPhone 7 today.

The tried-and-true
tradition of lining up in front of the Apple
Store is still alive and well.
We've experienced smaller than normal
crowds in front of Apple Stores in Los
Angeles, for example. Stern warnings of "no

7 Plus and Jet Black availability" scared
everyone away.
"Settling" for the 4.7-inch iPhone 7 or an
Apple Watch 2 is a just fine (and, for some
people, preferred consolation prize).
Shoot smaller. Shoot for any color,
especially silver, gold or rose gold. Matte
black is another option, but the next hardest
to get.

2. Try a carrier store - no one
else will

Apple Store employees have repeatedly told
us that the iPhone 7 Plus and Jet Black are
sold out if you don't have a reservation -
even for those camping out in the very front
of the line.
But the Apple Store isn't your only choice
for picking up an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus
in person today. Carrier stores and a few
retail stores have the same September 16
launch date.

Carriers stores naturally have limited
quantities of phones compared to a flagship
Apple Store. But then again everyone knows
that and instead lines up in front of the
Apple Store.

In fact, one year we lined up in spots 74 and
75 in front of the Apple Store, just to not get
the hot new iPhone 5S gold color we
wanted. Silver was no consolation.
Grabbing breakfast during that morning we
stumbled across one person sleeping outside
a small Verizon store.

Guess who got their
gold iPhone 5S by the end of breakfast?
That guy.

3. Try back again tomorrow

morning at this specific time
Okay, this technically violates the spirit of
getting an iPhone 7 Plus today, but it's so
much better than waiting until November, for

example. And it's a ton easier to wait in a
small line.
Here's what can happen, based on past
years: priority goes to people with iPhone
reservations. All of the popular iPhones
everyone wants are accounted for with
these pre-orders.

However, they have to come during a certain
window. If they miss this window, their
phone won't go back into Apple's inventory
immediately. This happens at the end of the
day, at close.
That means if you wake up early tomorrow
morning and wait in a significantly smaller
Apple Store line at 9am (or the normal
opening time), you may be in luck for finding
the prized iPhone 7 version you want.

4. Try Amazon for ease of use
This is the worst option if you're looking for
the best value, but if you have the cash to
spend on a price-hiked iPhone 7 Plus it's
definitely one of the easiest without a

Often, new iPhone models triple in price on
Amazon. Ouch. The good news is that you
don't have to wait in line or fight a crash-
prone Apple pre-order website.
Amazon is also a good option to sell your old
iPhone instead of trading it in. It often offers
you a much better priced compared to what
Apple or carriers give you during your

5. Coordinate with friends
This is for the true Apple fanboys who
simply can't wait for a certain model and
color: increase your chances of buying the
iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus size and color you
want by hitting multiple stores across a loyal
group of friends.
Each person can buy up to two iPhones,
which means that you can technically cover
your bases at multiple Apple Stores and
carrier stores.
People we talked to have been doing this
across state lines, hitting Los Angeles
flagship stores with family members staked
out at smaller Las Vegas Apple Stores.
Close friends and family are a good idea for
this operation, or having an agreement in
place ahead of time, otherwise people could
get two prized phones and sell them one of
them, which is uncool.
More tips to come
We'll update this feature with more tips that
we discover throughout the launch day, and
you can leave hints and experiences for
everyone else in the comments.

My verdict:

If you're going to buy a new iPhone, this
is the one to get –

there's slightly longer
battery life,

a better camera, fast innards

. protection against water.

many of the changes are slight, and the
iPhone 6S, for the lower price, suddenly
becomes a very attractive option.

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