How to renew your gotv subscription online.

Internet make everything easy for us in this
21st century,we don't have to run elter
skelter to perform simple operations we can
do in our House without wasting much of
our time..

The good news today is that you can now
pay or renew your GOTv subscription online.

Just follow these steps and all is well

Here is how to pay or renew your GOTv
subscription online this september 2016-
1.You need to login to Quickteller and if
you don't have an account register.
immediately the page stop loading then on the “Select an Option” just like
the way it is in the image below to
choose your plan
You will be ordered to input your email
address, mobile number i.e. Phone
number for easy transaction report and
updates via SMS.

3.then just enter your
decoder number (ICU), which should be
boldly written on red background format
at back of your decoder.

4.Now click on the “Continue” link and you
will be directed to the secure billing/
payment page where you can pay with
your ATM Card (VISA, Master or Verve

5.Enter your ATM card details and click on
"Pay Now" button, enter your Token
Number to finalize your payment
Please Ensure your GoTV Decoder is
powered ON while making the payment
because they possess similar characters
with DSTV though it may not really be
Also bear in mind that N100 will be
deducted by quickteller apart from the
subscription fee for complete transaction.

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