7 clever ways to improve your blog, followers..

U u 7 Clever Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers

1. Use Attractive Clear Profile Images, Cover Photo and Background
Only three images can be added to Twitter therefore you need to make the most of these photos. The three areas where you can add a picture are the header,profile and background.
If the profile you have on Twitter is personal you should use a picture of yourself as the image.
The background and header can be used to represent your company. It is for attracting new followers.
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2. Asking  is an Effective Way To Attract Followers
Questions in your tweets are more likely to get more conversations started. So start tweeting questions to get answers.
Come up with relevant questions about your niche.
When you get responses,make sure to followup with those who answer you. Show them you’re listening and care.
You may also want to highlight certain answers by retweeting them with a response to keep the conversation alive and inspire even more interaction and followers. I recommend tweeting questions at least three times a week
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3. Attach Images for Better Interaction and Followers
Images always attract more attention from people than text. Images in your text will definitely increase your followers So start adding images with your tweets.
You may not always have time to add images to your tweets, but you’re likely to be rewarded. ” Tweets with images received
18% more clickthroughs
89% more favorites
28% more followers
150% more retweets
Source: digitalinformationworld .

4. # Hashtag Your Topic
Your tweets are only seen by your followers. However when you use a hashtag followed by a word they can potentially be seen by any user.
By including the hashtag symbol (#) you categorize your tweets which make them appear when a user searches the term.
Clicking a hash tagged word shows other Tweets that include the same hashtag.

5. Include Emoji’s and Symbols
Those little icon’s we once called “smileys” have come a long way. Today a lot of emoji’s and symbols appear in tweets and people seem to love them.
Guys try including non-text characters to make your message stand out.
From your smartphone,it’s easy to grab emoji’s straight from the keyboard and catch the eyes of many followers.

6. Face Your followers.
To everybody I want to encourage you to feature yourself in your tweets every now and then.
It will definitely help get more of a personal connection and build trust with followers. Toss a candid selfie on Twitter.

7. Quote Someone
Twitter users really connect with quotes,funny quotes. Toss the occasional quote into your tweet mix, especially when you come across something thoughtful or inspiring.
Don’t let the 140- character limit for tweets stop you from posting a longer quote. Quotes as well as images will attract more eyeballs and get more followers.
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