18 ways to increase your blog popular.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any successful
internet business.The followings are differents
easy techniques to increase the number of
traffic to your website or blogs:

1. articles often and submit them into
article directories such as
i:ezinearticles.com,ii:goarticles.com etc

2.Use compellling headlines/tittles for your
articles and blog to increase the number of
page views.

3.post to your blog often

4.Post on craig's list, make sure you mention
your website in the listing.

5. Create a free product to give away on your
site for people who subscribe to your list

6.Network! Email other site8/blog owners, call
them on the phone, attend industry events and
talk to people. if they remember you,they will be
more likely to agree to a reciprocal business

7.Leave comments on other people's blogs and
link back to your site.

8.Exchange links with related sites in your

9.Post often in forums related to your niche.
have a signature link that points to your site.

10.Submit answers to yahoo questions along
with a link to your site.

11.Add an opt-in form in a high profile spot on
your site.

12.Submit your blog to a blog directory.

13.Send your product to other website owners
in related niches to get reviewed.

14.Place classified Ads on Ebay with a link to
your website.

15.use an autoresponder for your mailing list to
keep people coming back to your site for special
offers and promotions.

16.Exchange products with another site and
split the proceeds of any sales

17.Post often to forums and use a link to your
website in your signature file.

18.Advertise; use any method
available,classified, free and paid, solos, forums,

19.offer lots of downloads and products with
master Resell Rights on your site and watch the
traffic pouring in !!

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