7 ways to avoid adscence ban after approval.

Many complained to us that Adsense
banned or disabled their accounts without a
tangible Reason but i must assure you that
there will always be a reason behind your

As it’s getting harder to get an Adsense
approval, so also it’s getting harder to even
maintain it to some people and that's why
we will give you the ways on how not to get
your Adsense account banned .
Of course, lots of publishers know the
google adsense rules and regulations that
guide Adsense ads after approval but it is a
pity many neglected those rules.
In case
don't know if your adsense was banned or
not,you can use adsense banned checker.
Google adsense account disabled, how to
enable HERE
Probably you aren't aware there are some
rules guiding adsense after approval :
Here are the things you must
know to avoid Google Adsense
ban i.e. 7 ways to avoid
Adsense Ban

1.Don't click On your Adsense ads
: : The
worst offence a Publisher can commit is
clicking on his or her Adverts,adsense Team
will not even think twice if they detect a
fraudulent click or you invite your friends to
click on the adverts for you.
As we all know Adsense is a product of the
giant Google inc ,they have various tools
that can detect fraud easily so make sure
you aren't clicking on your ads to avoiad
instant Ban

2.Make sure you aren't displaying more
than recquired adverts on a page

: Incase
you don't know,there are limits to the
number of Adverts you can display on a
page. Passing those limits will get your
Adsense Account disabled without notice.

3.Customizing your Adverts as if you are in
a fine art class:

: Adsense doesn't expect
you to customize any banner or text ads
anymore so far you have been given the
Html codes,you can only customize you
Adverts with your control panel on Adsense
Portal. Customizing your ads without proper
care may get it disabled without notice

4.Linking to sites that distribute Illegal
contents and copyright materials : This
wasn't known to many until now,you must
be aware about who your site is linking to.
Make sure they aren't linking to websites
promoting hard drugs or any other criminal
acts. Incase you find one,make sure you cut
it out

5.Avoid Organizing a Paid traffic to
increase your clicks :

Traffic is a vital tool
to increase your adsense earning but you
shouldn't go to the extent of buying,buying
traffic to adsense is a fraud act so avoid it
totally .
There are ways to boost your traffic like
SEO,Forum e.g. Nairaland ,guest posting
e.t.c. And if that is not enough you
shouldn't go to the extent of buying paid
Traffic to increase your earning.

6.Don't Bring in Numerous advertising
networks apart from Adsense :

Many misuse
the opportunity Adsense gave to Publishers
so that they can bring in publishers after
approval but many misused it simply
because they want to earn more.
Pls don't have it in mind that after approval
you will flood your blog with 100 advertising
networks,it is dangerous
Copying ad links to change send to friends :
Many publishers started using fake trick like
click here that will link to adsense ads or
Click to see hot babes.That's an offence
that may easily get any publisher Banned.

Don’t be stingy share to make it get to others by clicking on those various color button to share.

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