Top 4 benefit of sharing Post in social media.

Many seems to downgrade the magic of sharing
posts on social Media.They count it as as a
mere child play.You are wrong "There are are
outstanding benefits" of sharing your posts on
social media

1.Increase Traffic : If you are the type that have
many followers on twitter,it will be of benefit to
you if you start sharing your blog posts,if i could
recall vividly about last year when i opened a
forum,then my twitter followers aren't even up to
50 but when i share on twitter only at least i will
get a minimum of 8 clicks talkless of you having

2.Update your tweets : One outstanding benefit
of sharing your post is that at same time you
hunt for traffic your tweets will be increasing
which will keep your blog alive. Many don't really
enjoy tweeting,tweeting and tweeting all the time
but they want to keep their tweets
your posts is like using a stone to kill a bird.

3.Increase Likes : When you share your blog
topics that solve your follower problems,your
likes will increase and such person will even
want to know more about your blog and may
later on become a unique vistor on your blog

4.Increase Backlinks : Backlink is a major factor
we can't just put aside when we talk of blogging
we all know that,sharing your posts will give you
a step ahead above your competitors when you
share and change some social media settings
like adding your description for twitter

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