Top reason why most bloggers fail.

Since I joined the blogging community, I begin to wonder why many bloggers are not succeeding in their blogging career meanwhile blogging has become more popular today unlike before therefore over thousands of new blogs are being created everyday but despite this, researches shows that only 10% of this newly created blogs use to be active for the next 3 months after it was created.

The main reasons why most newly created blogs are failing have been traced to the following;

1. Poor Passion:

I think this is the major reason why most bloggers fail at their early stage. Everyone has passion for one thing or the order therefore your passion determines the rate of your success. But I discovered many bloggers today don’t have passion for blogging and still they would like to blog because they see some of the successful bloggers who are making money through blogging.

2. Choosing the wrong Niche:

Choosing the wrong niche is another major factor why many bloggers fails today. Researches shows many of the failed blogs has resulted from choosing the wrong niche. Many even choose the niche which they won’t be able to update. Therefore before you start a blog do researches by finding the best niche that matches your passion. And also you must avoid choosing a niche because you see other successful bloggers in the same niche.

3. Too Eager To Earn Money:

The desire to earn money quickly through blogging has led to the failure of many bloggers today. It is true that you can make money through blogging but you shouldn’t allow it to be your primary aim. Being blogging doesn’t turn you to a magician; money won’t come so easily, therefore it requires much of your hardworking before you can think of making money from your blog.
So I will advise you that is reading this article not to quit blogging because of not making money as winner never quit and quitter never win.

4. Lack of Concentration

Many blogger failed because of over concentration on many blogs, they concentrates on many blogs rather than one. Concentrates on many blogs without being successful in the first one won’t benefit you it’s just a mere wasting of time. Therefore I advise you to concentrate on one first and after you’ve attained success in it then you can think of adding to it.

5. Ignoring SEO

What is SEO? It means search engine optimization. It is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in the search engine. SEO plays a vital role in the visibility of a blog to the search engine. While it is very bad that many newbie bloggers don’t know the uses and the benefits of SEO to their blog. SEO generates high level of traffic to your blog which plays a great impact on your blog ranking. Also search engine traffic such as Google, yahoo and bing are regarded as the best because the searchers are desperate and can stay if you give them what they want.
So I advise you to take all the SEO strategies into consideration and implement where necessary.

6. Lack of Creativity

Some bloggers failed because they lack creativity. As a blogger you must keep pace to the latest changes by bringing in new ideas on your own as this will assist you in your choosing niche.
I believed you’ve seen the major reasons why many bloggers failed, therefore learn from it and try to avoid them, by doing this I promised you Sky will be your limit.

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