How to get motivated when you want to quit your blog.

Are you having a tough time trying to build your blog when life intervenes?
The kids may get sick.
Your central air may break down during a sweltering heat wave.
Heck, you may have to walk 5 miles to get water for the day.
If you have an internet connection and phone or basic laptop (or computer) you can blog from anywhere on earth.
Times can get *really* tough wherever you are right now.
It almost feels like you’re holding the weight of the world, like I was in the photo above holding up 2 pillars at the Tomb of the Kings in Cyprus.
From being over $70,000 in debt during my early blogging days to embracing a particularly tough family situation over the past 3 years I know what you may be going through right now.
These tips can help you to keep blogging through tough times.

1: Take a Deep Breath
Take a deep breath.
Be in the moment.
Tough times are temporary.
But you are limitless.
Taking a deep breath when:
Your blogging income seems to vanish
You haven’t made a cent through your blog in months or….gasp….years!
You’re suffering through a stressful situation with a family member or friend
Your workload feels completely overwhelming, like a house of bricks on your shoulders
….simply relaxes you back into the now, or present moment.
In the moment you can embrace and release the stress super quickly.
Inhale deeply.
Right now.
Return to the moment.
Face the stresses which seem to bedevil you.
See? They ain’t that scary now that you’re present with these energies.

2: Establish an Intent Versus Pushing Yourself
Avoid looking for fleeing, ever changing outside sources motivation.
Look within.
Establish an intent.
Go within to find an everlasting, all powerful source of blogging power during good and bad times.
Too many bloggers motivate themselves based on money, popularity or other outside factors.
When these things change – trust me, they will – the motivation vanishes too.
You push yourself to get stuff and like a horse being coaxed with a carried dangling in front of me, you ain’t never gonna get it. Exhaustion and failure sets in with most bloggers.
But if you look within to follow your passion you will always have fuel to carry you through tough times.
Example: I wrote 126 eBooks before properly and effectively promoting a single one of those reads.
Even though my sales were low for a few months as I wrote and published an eBook every day I didn’t push myself to manipulate systems to increase those sales.
My intent was to create a one of a kind, groundbreak library of 100 plus eBooks for struggling bloggers.
I saw the project through until I filled up the Blogging From Paradise Library.
Now I patiently promote 1 at a time, reaching best seller lists on a weekly basis because I remained true to my intent versus panicking and pushing myself to achieve some deeply desired, conditional outcome.

3: Remember Why and Tie it to Fun (and Freedom)
I mainly blog to have fun. I mainly blog to free myself.
Blog for fun. Follow your passion. You’ll keep blogging no matter what happens because you seek fun above all else.
Passions supercede problems.
If you blog for the joy of covering your niche you will blog through thick, thin and every situation imaginable.
Practical Tip
Spend 30 minutes in a quiet room.
Write down the most fun, freeing reason why you’re blogging.
Fold that paper.
Carry it with you everywhere.
If you’re not having fun covering your blogging subject matter it’s time to ditch the niche .

4: Feast on Inspirational Bloggers (Not Literally)
Jon Morrow is a guy to follow when times get tough.
He’s built a hyper successful blog despite embracing a terminal illness that restricts his movements.
Seeing how successful folks turn adversity into triumph helps you do the same.
Jon masterfully writes with an empathetic, compassionate tone but also kicks butt when he needs to do so.
His life experience has fueled his writing style and you betcha that resonates with his audience.
Leo Babauta shows you the miraculous power of simplicity.
Before you scramble to buy the latest theme or world changing app to ease your struggles observe how his simple, plain, clear blog reeled in 2 million readers.

5: Remember that *You* Create Pressure
I felt a bit under pressure a few moments ago.
I have 2 new guest posts to write. Plus this post. Plus 40 other things to do.
But I am choosing to put pressure on myself.
You also choose to put pressure on yourself or to feel grateful, peaceful and at ease with things as they are.
Let. Go.
Remove your yoke.

6: Take a Break When it’s Time to Take a Break
You are human.
Take a break from blogging when times get particularly tough.
I’ve experienced a few grief-filled moments and days over the years when I needed to withdraw from everything to embrace my deepest fears, anxieties and terrors.
I became the predominantly happy, fun, relaxed, joke-cracking dude who writes some pretty colorful blog posts and eBooks *because* I pulled back from blogging to dig a bit deeper, to get at the root of my biggest problems.
Take a blogging vacay for 1-2 weeks if you’re going through deep stuff.
Perhaps a 1 day vacay will do the trick.
Just pull back when you need to pull back to clear out your brain box.

7: Consider My Morning Routine
Although I envy the monks of Thailand – seriously what do their abs look like beneath their robes?, those ripped cats – I observed during my 2 years living in the Land of Smiles for their spiritual advancement I am no Blogging Biddulph Buddha.
I am not detached from a worldly life.
I do however follow a morning routine to raise my vibe, to detach a bit more from blogging and financial outcomes and to enjoy the ride as I render loving, compassionate service to sentient beings who wish to build their blogs. Cats, dogs, humans, no judgments.
Consider following 1 or multiple elements of my morning routine to keep energized when times are super duper tough:
20 minutes meditation
5 minutes EFT tapping
3-5 minutes in an icy cold shower (please talk to your doctor first before doing this, before you either turn into a blogging popsicle or shock your heart a bit too much)
Deep stretching
I also exercise for 45 minutes daily. Walking, jogging, shooting hoops, or whatever floats my boat for that day.
Managing your energy simply helps you embrace stresses which seem to cripple bloggers who do little or no inner work.

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