How to know a website and a blog.

A website and blog is simply differentiated by
their layout . a blog always come with image
thumbnails, titles and descriptions mainly on the

A website consist of many webpages such as
about us , customer supports , subscription link,
payment portal, contact page, and many more
pages such as the pages that contain the blog
section of the website.

Having red the above you should be able to
know at this junction that

A blog is more easy and less expensive
to set up than a website .

A website is mostly used by
organisations and companies because
it looks professional in its kind.

Blogs has almost all the niches than
websites e.g tech, entertainment,
tutorials, niches are mostly created
using blog.

If you don't have Codding knowledge
blog is the best platform for you
Cresting websites is not done from
every host but the best platform for
building websites is WordPress while
blogger is nice for blog but WordPress
can do both blog and Website
Any chat site, e-commerce site , is a
website e.g, ,,, etc

Forum pages were users are allowed to
create topics such as nairaland is a
website not a blog
Any webpage on the internet where
blogs and websites can be hosted is a
website e.g,,, etc

How about the money.

The money is located on both based on
the way you manage yours .Linda ikeji
is on blog yet she makes money ,

is on website and he makes money,

owner of popular Jobberman is making
money from his website ,

is on blog and yet he makes money. I
think that should be able to convince
you that the both have the money but
the problem is try to manage which one
you venture to yield the money.

From now on you should be able to
know wither you are having a blog or
website as for me am having a blog.

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