5 powerful features that make will make your battery last for a year.

Hey, how many hours is your battery taking you, before it gets to 4% well if it is not up to a day then this article would be very useful

Good day everyone starboys is happy to bring to you an article that would make you smile and use your battery the way you like.
This features are mostly associated with Smartphones

The features of our Smartphones wouldn't let us leave it for an hour without trying look into something fun or conventional.
The batteries in our cell phones are the highest specs we wish and hope for - The bigger the milliamp hours, the bigger the lasting power.

When it comes to lasting batteries, we always and will always want to lay our hands on such devices. Devices like the Tecno L8 and L6 comes with monster battery capacity: but if your Smartphone comes with an average battery capacity, there are still ways to improve its capacity.

Here are what is always draining your battery.

1. Turning On Wi-Fi Hotspot
When browsing the web, most of us intentionally or unintentionally switch on our Wi-Fi hotspot without spotting the battery logging. It's a great battery drainer especially if there's no device (s) connected to it.
And also turn off your WiFi network !!! only turn it on when there's a WiFi network available in your area.

2. GPS
GPS meaning global positioning system. Is a very battery draining feature in most smart phones.
Switching off your device location on your device would greatly reserve your battery's life. Most apps requires GPS location to be turned on for application access, try restricting them once in a while to save your battery and also extend its life cycle.

3. Screen Brightness
Apart from draining your vision (eyes) with excessive bright screen light. Increasing your phone's screen light to maximum can drastically reduce your battery's life.
Try setting screen's brightness to auto or middle to save your eyes & vision. Also trying scheduling the screen timeout from 30 seconds to a minute to increase battery life and duration.

4. Charging
Okay, most of us usually make this mistake when it comes to charging our devices.
When using your device, do not let your battery's power drain constantly to 5 or 0 percent all the time. Sometimes full draining of the battery causes swelling and also reduces the battery life cycle - i bet you never knew!
And always ensure 100% full charge of your battery before unplugging, leave your device 20 minutes after 100% charge.

5. Background Apps Activities
The activities of our devices in background drains our battery faster than activities in foreground.
When you receive messages from WhatsApp while reading this article, it certainly means that WhatsApp is running on your device background while GKlited is on its foreground.
Try to stop background processes.
On Android, go to Developer options >> scroll to the bottom, under Apps >>> press Background
process limit >>> set to any number of your choice.
For Android devices from 4.4 KitKat , press build number for ten times to open developers option.

Finally always trickle charge your battery, this will help in extending the life of the battery.

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