Top 10 most used short cut keys on Microsoft.

Short cuts are alternative towards using the mouse to perform specific task our aim today is going to be on most used ones on Microsoft.

We also advice you check this blog regularly as we will also be posting short cut keys of. word

2.Microsoft excel

3. Microsoft PowerPoint. one look

5.and even Microsoft publisher.

Now the most used short cut keys are:

1. Ctrl + C= to copy

2.Ctrl + V=to paste

3. Ctrl + A=align or select all

4. Ctrl + B=bold

5. Ctrl + F=find

6. Alt + f4=close program.

7.Ctrl + f2 =preview

8. Shift + del =to delete without storing on recycle bin.

9. Ctrl + Y=redo

10. Ctrl + Z=undo

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