Firefox latest news reports. As they says they can do without Google.

For many years, Firefox developer Mozilla
generated substantial income from a sponsorship
deal with Google; the search and advertising firm
paid Mozilla in return for Firefox making Google
its default search engine.

That deal was ended
last year , with Firefox defaulting to Yahoo in the
US, Yandex in Russia, and Baidu in China.
Given the prior dependence on the Google deal,
this was a big shift for the open source browser

Mozilla has just released its 2014
financial report; last year it had just shy of $330
million of revenue, 98 percent of which came
from its search deals.

In 2014 that meant the Google deal, but now the
organization says that it isn’t receiving anything
from Mountain View...

Although Google remains
the default search engine within Europe, Denelle
Dixon-Thayer, Mozilla’s chief business and legal
officer, told CNET that “We don’t have a
commercial relationship with Google at this

In spite of this, Chief Financial Officer Jim Cook
claims that its 2015 performance will be even
better, thanks to the new range of “very strong”
search partnerships.

Nonetheless, Firefox continues to face
challenges in moving beyond the desktop.

initial plan for Firefox OS, a smartphone
operating system built around Web technology,
was to target low-end phones in developing

While new price points were reached
Android has been able to reach these same
markets, closing the door on Firefox OS.
Accordingly, 2015 saw a shift in strategy, with
Firefox OS being aimed at embedded markets
such as “smart” TVs and Mozilla building mobile
Firefox browsers for iOS and Android.

Thus far,
these efforts do not appear to have produced
any considerable usage.

Firefox heads speech by bringing out their newest version ever the best so far you can check it out on Google

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