Importance of keywords in SEO websites or blog ranking.

This is very Crucial to non Blog business, personal and educative websites or blogs who wish to have a Strong SEO and drastically increase their SEO of their blog or website.

SEO is a science which also requires scientific approach in order to have a Strong SEO for your website either you wish to do it your self or pay oriented companies to help you. Like this blog you check my contact me page if you feel like.

What is Keyword Research ?

Keyword research is getting historical statistics, see how a list of keywords might perform, and even create a new keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords together that pertains to your industry .

In search marketing field this is the most important activity and the early approach, while you are preparing a Pre-report which contains strategies .

It's not always about getting visitors to your site, but about getting the right kind of visitors that will follow you and right your articles on a daily basis.

The usefulness of this keyword research approach cannot be ignored based on fluctuation of market trends and keywords that matters to your Prospective Customers.

Ask yourself this question ;

Do people search using this search word ?

Is this keyword trending ? You have to look for what really matters to your Customers, afterwards you can proceed to writing a Propelling content ,which will definitely aid conversion .

We are very much aware that in SEO, Google no longer uses "Meta tags Keywords"

in ranks and it duels more on your website contents, that is why its very important to do a proper research before embarking on Content writing .

Why do we do Keyword Research ?

1. To be right there at the Moment when our Prospective customers wants the information , we don't just want to pick any keyword !
We want to focus on keywords which are very important to our business and Industry , we want keywords that will answer their questions and give them solution.

2. Increase in click-through rate :

No one wants to use Keywords that won't increase their website traffic , in fact i find it thought provoking when i see people use keywords that do not actually match the Market trends .
Even though having a good Keyword does not mean you will have a huge traffic (CTR) but its a early approach to prepare you for the task ahead .

In my own view you might think SEO is easy, but I tell you it's not that easy, SEO doesn't even give sharp results but you will start see your results after like months.

What are the tools for Keyword Research ?

Put Keyword research and insight being your thinking !

I will Recommend the following tools .

1. Google AdWords Keyword Planner.

2. Google Trends.

3. Moz Keyword Explorer.

4. Google insight Marketing tool.

5. Wordtracker’s Free Basic Keyword Demand.

6. Microsoft Bing Ads .

Keyword Research is also very important for Google AdWords Search Marketing

Defination of a STRONG SEO :

Strong SEO means your content:
1. Ranks in search
2. Drives organic traffic
3. Converts.

But achieving and maintaining strong SEO requires work.

Note this optimizing your blog or website with this steps are the best way you can think of.

Note; this process might be stressful but when you start see the results you will remember seniorstarboy.

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