7 powerful tips to increase your website or blog page views.

Hi welcome to this wonderful niche based website.

As you all know, traffic is the most important
thing for every blog. All the income, followers,
fame and brand you get are directly or indirectly
related to TRAFFIC of the blog. But traffic in the
sense doesn't mean to get a click bombs daily,
instead, you should have a good number of loyal
audience. How do you think bloggers become
professionals, it’s the followers and the
readership that decides a blog's future.
So, you write great content, share it across the
web, and eagerly wait for readers to find your
blog. But day after day, nothing happens.Your
readership isn’t growing and your social
interaction is non-existent. Sounds familiar..? If
you want to gain loyal blog readers, you must
find a way to connect with people eager to
consume and share your content. Below are
some ways you can increase blog readers, build
a loyal following and create raving fans.

1. Attractive Design: Even if you have great
content, I doubt if people would show any
interest in reading your blog if you’ve been using
a bad design. The primary thing that attracts a
reader is the blog colours and design. If the
design has a less importance, Come on, ask
yourself. Do you like to read on a blog that has
very poor design or probably no design at all..?
OR to save your time, take a look at the blogs
you follow, you notice the design..? Sleek and
Note: This doesn't mean you should take a
palette full of colours and spray it all over like a
teenager's make-up... Simple colours would do,
just the combo of 3-4 will do...

2. Don't put so many Ads: If you personally ask
me, I will tell you that I don't like to stay on the
websites which are full of advertisements and
pop-up ads are playing around while reading. Not
only me but also your readers' answer will be
same because no one likes to stay on a cluttered
website. Everyone wants distraction-free reading
and browsing. Thus, do use ads but in a manner
that your users don't get distracted and keep
reading and browsing on your website. Overall, I
will advise you to stop using pop-up ads... which
ofcourse earns you coins and chase your readers
away... awful isn't it..?

3. Headings: Using headings in your article is the
best way to increase readership on the blog. A
heading can convey the same message which a
whole paragraph does. Headings inside a post
looks just like these which we've used here. We
don't even like to read any article which has no
headings in it and when we see headings, we just
go through the headings and like most of the
other readers, We ignore the real content. We
actually doubt, how many of you are actually
reading this line? Few I guess...
4. Merge Short Stories: Sometimes (or mostly), a
way to make your readers stick to your post is to
tell them very short stories. We're not asking you
to turn your professional blog into a storybook,
but there's nothing wrong with adding some
personality to the content to make it look juicy
and encouraging, and it also makes the reader
feel, you are under the same atmosphere...

5. Images: We have a lot of images available on
the internet. Instead of making your post look so
boring, add some attractive and relevant images
inside the content. Like, some people use vector
images and some others use text-based images
in blog posts. Search for some public images and
add them in your blog posts. You can also make
images yourself, also by using memes, your blog
post will be a lot interesting to read that just
wring a content of over 1000 words then
publishing it like that, you don't expect your
visitors to feel they are reading a Newspaper on
their device...
Note: Use image relevant to the post only, don't
use a pix of Drake in a post about Balanced diet.

6. Content: Even if you have been using an
awesome design, simple English, attractive titles
and headings, no one is going to read your blog if
it has low-quality content. Content is the thing
that matters in every blog. A blog itself is writing
down the ideas/thoughts/views or whatever. So
maintaining a good quality of the content is
essential. on producing quality content. There
are a lot of tutorials that can help you to improve
your writing skills.

7. Website loading speed: The last on my list is
load speed. If you visit a website which takes a
lot of time to open then what you do..? You
probably close the website and open some other
one because you have other choices as well so
why will you be waiting for that particular
website..? This is the reason slow loading
website's bounce rate always goes high.

Improving the loading speed can be very helpful
for reducing the bounce rate of the website.
Load speed is higher on some blogs mostly
because of excess widgets, plugins, javascript
which really delay your blog load speed, so its
time to get rid of irrelevant widgets, plugins, only
the ones with higher priority should be left...

If you are yet to focus on this particular area of
your website then you are really missing a lot in
optimization. Try focusing from today and
optimize your website as per above mentioned
tips and ideas
We hope you found this piece helpful. Please do
share your thoughts about it and also feel free to
add yours!

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