Advantages and disadvantages of using VPN.

Here are the advantages of using VPN.

1.VPNs help protect private data
They mask their geographic location

2.VPNs spoof/hide their IP address from others that may be snooping out there.

However, with the many advantages it seems like there are some drawbacks plaguing VPNs, this holds especially true for “free VPNs.” These cons include:

In other not to over make you so sure so that you can choose here are the disadvantages.

1.VPN clients help protect your connection to the internet, but your data is only as safe as the server/destination you are trying to access.

2.Some VPN clients (mostly “free VPN” clients) have very slow connection speeds.

3.Some VPN clients (mainly free)
actually collect and store information from the users that connect through it.

4.Some VPN service providers (again, mainly free) act as a Man-in-the-Middle and can even install malware on your computer
With this being said, if you are using a VPN client, whether free or paid, what are some clients that you are using?

Have you reviewed what information they may be logging and storing from your sessions?

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