Factors that kills your blog.

This blog post is dedicated to those whose blog are going down in one way or the other,
But what I want you to know is that you are not alone,.

Now to how today post,
Have done a very long research before writing on this topic that's why I would like it to be very brief.

Here goes the list of the factors that is killing your blog or website.

1. Template :
Do you know your template can kill your blog appearance, so if your blog is taking a very long time to load, do you think your reader’s will be ready to waste their data loading your website, they will start simply avoiding your website by all means.

2. Website or blog layout.
This aspect is for mostly new bloggers who don't take time to specially design their blog or website before publishing their first blog post which is very bad.
If your reader’s can't navigate your website or do you want them to come back it's not possible, all you need do is create a very pure link to your popular post and you are good to go.

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