Reasons why wordpress websites remains most hacked.

Statistics from the reasons why wordpress websites remains the most hacked website.

WordPress was in a much rosy position
compared to Magento, where 96 percent of all
hacked websites had been compromised
because their owners forgot to update.

In fact, WordPress was in the best position
among all major CMSs, with Joomla’s
percentage being 86 percent, and Drupal with
84 percent.

Out-of-date WordPress plugins continue
to be a big problem.

The reason why WordPress still had a very
large number of hacked websites, despite
running up-to-date versions was that
webmasters usually forgot to update plugins.

In Q1, Sucuri discovered that a quarter of
hacked WordPress sites could be attributed to
three plugins: TimThumb, GravityForms, and
RevSlider. In Q2, the same three plugins
accounted for 22 percent of all hacked
WordPress sites, showing that admins are still
using the same ol’ hackable add-ons, and that
very few learned anything from Sucuri’s first

Backdoors continued to be the most prevalent
type of infection, found on 71 percent of all
hacked websites, most likely used to alter the
owner’s website or to reinfect the system after
inefficient clean-ups.

A new addition to the Sucuri report is in
regards to the number of websites that have
already been blacklisted at the time the
company cleaned them up.

Sucuri discovered that 18 percent of websites
they were cleaning had already been
blacklisted online, via Google’s Safe Browsing
service, Norton’s SafeWeb service, the Yandex
scanner, or McAfee’s SiteAdvisor.

“A website being flagged by a Blacklist like
Google can be devastating to a website’s
functionality,” Sucuri notes. “It can affect how
visitors access a website, how it ranks in
Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) and also
adversely affect communication mediums, like

To me I think blogger remains the best platform to build a website.

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