How to add meta tags to your blogger blog.

Good day everyone welcome to senior star boy, do you one of the factors that is making your blog not to appear in Google is meta tags,
I know by now you might be guessing what it means but remove your mind of it read this article to the end.

Meta tags as the name sounds are simply the tags which will describe your site to search engines by telling them what your blog is all about such as what your blog is offering or the niche of your blog.

Meta tags really are essential factors for SEO that is search engine optimization and also very important because it make the search engines to index your pages fast and accurately.
Looking at this little elucidation, you can see that meta tags are needed for the growth of your blogger blog.
When you add meta tags to your blogger blog, your chances of getting more traffics from search engines like yahoo, google etc will absolutely increase. From my little experiences, meta description is very essential to every blogger blog.

Now isn't this wonderful follow this process to add them to your blog 

Follow these simple steps to add meta tags to your blogger blog.

Step 1: Now go to bloggerdashboard >> Template >>Edit HTML

Step 2: Look for these code. You can click on CTRL+F to easily the code.
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Step 3: Just add the codes below immediately after the code above
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

Now the whole thing is set. Just replace the these

Description here: Write down your blog description here

Keyword: write down the keywords of your real blog here

Author name: write down the authors name here that is your own name.

Then finally save your template. Congratulations you have successfully added meta tags to your blogger blog.

Final words, make sure you follow the steps as described above to add meta tags and if you happens to encounter any error do let us know by simply sending us an email we will be happy to assist you.
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