How to resolve plugins issues, if your blog is loading slow.

Blogging can be hard without the
proper tools in place. If you don’t
know how to properly maintain your
blog, trust me, you are not going to
enjoy your blogging journey.
Some few weeks back, we talked
about how to speed-up our blog
without being techie inclined. For
when you didn’t get the time to read
it, you can still do so using the link

If you have finally read the earlier
post, you can continue reading this
blog post to make your blog at
least, fast enough for your blog to
rank well on Google search. Are you
ready? If yes, let’s go ahead…

Don’t just uninstall
your plugin alone,
remove its
Uninstalling a plugin is so easy,

Go to your plugin area and
click the uninstall plugin and you
won’t see that plugin again.

Do you know that there are some
plugins that don’t permanently
uninstall when you uninstall them?
Yes, and this process can as well
affect the speed of your blog and
can allow hackers in your blog.

To permanently uninstall a plugin,
it should be done in your control
panel, but if you do not want to get
your hands dirty, you can install the
“ Clean Option plugin” to help you
find those plugin that’s in your blog
and don’t want to go.

You can learn how to use the clean
option plugin by navigating this blog
How To Permanently
Uninstall Any
WordPress Plugins

It’s time to get
yourself a CDN to
speed your blog
CDN can improve your blog speed
by 200%. And how it works? It helps
deliver’s your blog contents to your
readers based on the geographic
location of the user.
Many premiums CDN are out there
but if you do not have the money to
go for a premium CDN, you can
equally get a free CDN that can do
pretty much the same as premium.
Would you like to know how to
create your very own CDN using
your local host? You can read the
post here to know how to.

Trust me, using a CDN will surely
speed up your blog 3x the previous
Install a cache
plugin to help your
blog run fast
Yes, a cache plugin can help your
blog load faster than it already is.
How a cache plugin works: It helps
store your blog’s data on your
reader’s web browser so future
requests for your blog can be
served faster.

What’s the best cache plugin to
use? There are many WordPress
cache plugins out there, but one of
the cache plugin I’ll recommend you
use is W3 Total cache.
W3 total cache might be hard to set
up, but put your worries at rest
because I have written a post on
how to set up W3 total cache .
Always clean your
database to
improve your blog
Believe it or not, your database also
plays a big role in the speed of your

Are you running a slow blog?
Cleaning and repairing your
Database might just be a great idea.
But how can you clean or repair
your database with no skill? Simply
download and install WP-optimize to
help take care of your blog

Or if you are that type of blogger
that don’t want another plugin to
your plugins, you can easily follow
the below tutorial to learn how you
clean your database manually.
Make sure you
don’t use much
third-party advert
on your blog…
One other thing that makes your
blog run slow is simply because of
the third-party ads you’re running on
your blog.
If you are using Google AdSense,
Infolinks to monetize your blog, your
blog will load slowly, why? Because
those codes are JavaScript and
JavaScript’s slows down your
blog server.
I am not telling you not to use a
third-party ad network that uses
JavaScript to serve ads, but do use
it to its minimal so you won’t scare
your readers away
There are still more ways to speed
your blog/website, but the above
ways are ways even a non-techie
won’t have a problem with.
So go and try the tips mentioned
here on your blog and tell me how it
goes using the comment box
Back to you
Looks like I have said so much
about so much on how to easily
improve the speed of your blog
without breaking a sweat, now it’s
time to pass the keyboard to you
What other ways do you use to
improve the speed of your blog? Do
drop your comment using the
comment below.

Do you have comments, questions,
and thoughts you’d love to share
with us? Please do use the
comment box below to share them.
Remember that your comments,
questions, and thoughts are highly
welcomed and most appreciated.
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Do not forget to share us with
friends on your social networks. I
know they will find this post very
useful and problem-solving.
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