Factors that kills your blog.

Good day readers.
Is your blog having a little setback in your page views and have you bother to ask why, then today blog post is to you.

I want to make sure my Today blog post is brief enough so that you will be able to understand every single fact about what am explaining.
Because have done numerous research about this, before I came up with this simple research results.
I researched and look deep to sites like shoutmeloud.com

Now here goes the factors

1.your blog template.
Do you know the way your blog looks matters, especially if your niche is on beauty or relationship issue's.
To me I will advise you go and install a professional template or simply find a free template that is attractive and loads fast ;
Now if you have noticed you will find out that I bold the word “fast"
This is because it is also one great factor that can kill your blog,
Because if your template don't load fast your readers will find your blog boring and leave your site and see others.

2. Your blog layout ;
This is always a issue especially to those using professional template which is also called theme.
Now looking at this issue you should be able to have a kind of layout that will link to your popular posts, so that your reader’s will tend to navigate through those articles.

3. Now the third one is not sharing your blog on social media.
Now believe me on this you don't expect search engines to generate all the traffic you need to you, that's not possible, you can bring readers to your blog yourself by sharing your post to social media's,to me I recommend this three
The reason behind this is that based on investigation and research I found out that this are the most visited social media's.
So you will generate great views by publishing on this great media's.

4.now the fourth one is lack of quality content.
Note this if you bring the reader's to your blog what are the things they will see that will make them to saw they are coming back or even make them to bookmark you, it is called content or the real facts in your blog. You don't expect somebody doesn't see what he or she is looking for in your blog to come back, no It not done that way. You need to make see facts in your blog.

5.always guest blog on blog greater than you.
Now to me I call it quick access to page views, because if you guest blog on blogs having 20000 page views, you are likely to have a total of 10000 page view from that blog, and if you are somebody that has taken step 4 into consideration those reader's are likely to stick to your blog.

Now note this owning a free blog is never an issue against your blog,owning a free blog will only reduce your rank in search engines.

Now do you have any question ❓ simply comment it and will would tackle it.

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